Door to Door Episode 1: The Pilot. In the premiere episode, owner and manager Klaus Schlegle introduces new salesman Bryan Cooper to the rest of the staff. A documentary crew follows them, hoping to gain insight into the world of At Your Door Services Enterprises; a door-to-door sales company with a very unique business formula.
- Pat Dortch as Klaus Schlegle
- Justin Xavier Smith as Bryan Cooper
- Rachel Woodhouse as Cynthia Patterson
- Paul Freeman as Ed Phuket
- Ana Shaw as Mildred Mortimer
- Thom McKinney as Tim White
- Written by- Rachel Woodhouse and Justin Xavier Smith
- Directed by- Joe Chiazza
- Edited by- Rachel Woodhouse
- Executive Producers- Rachel Woodhouse and Justin Xavier Smith
- Producers- Debby Woodhouse and Stuart Woodhouse
- Associate Producers- Virginia B. Smith and Peter Conway
- Director of Photography- Joe Chiazza
- Assistant Director- Aaron Michael Johnson
- Sound Operator- Aaron Michael Johnson
- Theme Song and Theme Animation- Rachel Woodhouse
- Theme Song Vocals- Johanna Jowett and Bryan Pierce
- Art Director- Rachel Woodhouse
- Colored by- Joe Chiazza